My View on Casey Anthony


I can’t even begin to express my intense disliking for Casey Anthony. She was acquitted of murdering her daughter, 2-year-old Caylee Marie last year, July 5 2012. Although she was charged with four misdemeanor counts of “providing false information to a law enforcement officer,” it angers me that she was let go with nothing but a slap on the wrist.  Since there wasn’t “enough” evidence to clearly convict her, she was set free. In the new book by Casey Anthony’s lawyer, Jose Baez, he states that the Florida mother who was acquitted last year of murdering her 2-year-old daughter had mental health issues that contributed to her habitual lying. It baffles and infuriates me that her attorney is stating that her mental health issues are what influenced her to lie continuously throughout the trial.

There is no previous evidence that shows Casey struggled with a mental health issue prior to her case. Casey Anthony cared more about partying and hanging out with friends than being a responsible mother. To me, she is a compulsive liar and a cold-hearted parent. Using her “mental health” as an excuse for her incessant lies is just utmost ridiculous. I also feel that gender, race and her appearance made a huge impact on the case. Had she been a minority, unattractive, or a male, I feel those factors could have played an important role. Casey Anthony may not have been convicted but she will serve a life sentence in isolation and fear which I believe isn’t enough. This obviously is my opinion which I stand by and those who read this can either agree or disagree.

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